A visualisation of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5, created with student animators at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.

Five (2016)

- Best Abstract Animation (1st Place), Rome Film Awards, Italy, 2024 (Five: Scherzo)
- Best Abstract Animation (2nd Place), Rome Film Awards, Italy, 2024 (Five: Moving Stormily)
- Best Abstract Animation (3rd Place), Rome Film Awards, Italy, 2024 (Five: Rondo)
- Golden Nike Award, Rome Film Awards, Italy, 2024 (Five: Adagietto)

- Taichung International Animation Festival, Taichung, Taiwan, 11-20 Oct 2019 (Five: Moving Stormily; Director in Focus 2)
- Animac, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain, 22-25 Feb 2018 (Five: Moving Stormily)
- School of Creative Media 20th Anniversary Banquet Dinner, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1 Mar 2018 (Five: Moving Stormily excerpt)
- School of Creative Media Graduation Ceremony, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 9 Dec 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily excerpt)
- MUMIA, Brazil, 4-9 Dec 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily, Five: Scherzo, Five: Adagietto, Five: Rondo)
- KLEX, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-26 Nov 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily)
- Multivision, Erarta Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 28 Oct - 20 Nov 2017 (Five: Scherzo)
- ReAnimania Festival, Yerevan, Armenia, 28 Oct - 3 Nov 2017 (full-length)
- Animasyros, Syros, Greece, 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2017 (Five: Scherzo)
- Videomedeja, Novi Sad, Serbia, 22-24 Sep 2017 (Five: Rondo)
- Cinema em Movimento, Alinae Lumr, Germany, 25-27 Aug 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily)
- London Animation Club, London, 1 Aug 2017 (Max Hattler Returns to... talk/screening)
- Encontrarte Amares, Amares, Portugal, 27-30 Jul 2017 (Five: Rondo + Five: Moving Stormily)
- Melbourne International Animation Festival, Melbourne, Australia, 18-25 Jun 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily)
- Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens, Greece, 18-21 May 2017 (Five: Scherzo + Five: Moving Stormily)
- Backup Festival, Weimar, Germany, 17-21 May 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily)
- Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film ITFS, Stuttgart, Germany, Sat 6 May 2017, 23:00 (full-length screening)
- Third Culture Film Festival, Hong Kong, 21-23 Apr 2017 (Five: Moving Stormily, nominated for Best Abstract Film)
- Francis Brou & Max Hattler, Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 15 Mar - 1 Apr 2017 (full-length, exhibition)
- Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 15-18 Mar 2017 (full-length screening)
- The Age of Experience, Angewandte Innovation Lab, Vienna, Austria, 19 Dec 2016 (full-length screening; curated by Harald Kraemer)
- Swedenborg Film Festival, London, UK, 26 Nov 2016 (Five: Moving Stormily; curated by Gareth Evans and Nora Foster)
- Punto y Raya Festival, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, 20 Oct 2016 (full-length screening)
- RIDCH Conference on Digital Art and Film, The Open University of Hong Kong, 4-6 Jul 2016 (lecture)
- Society for Animation Studies Conference, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 26-30 Jun 2016 (lecture)
- Electronic Vibes, K11 Art Mall, Hong Kong, 20 May - 21 Jun 2016 (exhibition of all four parts)

Directed by Max Hattler & Team Five. Produced at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Supported by a Teaching Start-Up Grant from the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (Project No. 6000566).

Animated by Zhen Bao, Kei Chee Choi, Hiu Lam Chow, Kevin Finck, Pui Iu Kan, Cheuk Hin Lam, Yiu Ki Lee, Wai Kwo Leung, Leonie Opelt, Mung Kiu Tam, Yeuk Hei Dick Wan, Alexandra Woermann, Ka Kiu Wong, Wai Yin Yan, Yin Ting Yip, Ka Lai Yuen (Five: Moving Stormily).

Animated by Zhen Bao, Kei Chee Choi, Hiu Lam Chow, Kevin Finck, Pui Iu Kan, Cheuk Hin Lam, Yiu Ki Lee, Wai Kwo Leung, Leonie Opelt, Mung Kiu Tam, Yeuk Hei Dick Wan, Alexandra Woermann, Ka Kiu Wong, Shicong Xie, Wai Yin Yan, Yin Ting Yip (Five: Adagietto).

Animated by Jing Bi, Tsui Yin Choi, Shang Gao, Yuan Gao, Wenya He, Wing Kwan Ho, David Man-hon Lee, Shuoyuzhou Li, Xiaobin Liu, Pak Lap Liu, Xiaoxiao Ma, Jiayue Wang, Qianwen Wang, Yannan Wang, Suk Yin Wong, Shicong Xie, Ze Yun, Riwen Zhang, Qian Zhao, Gelin Zhou, Lina Zhu (Five: Scherzo and Five: Rondo).

Music: Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 5

Versions (HD digital files, 24 fps, stereo sound):
- Five (58 min) [combination of all parts]
- Five: Moving Stormily (15 min)
- Five: Scherzo (18 min)
- Five: Adagietto (11 min)
- Five: Rondo (15 min)

Year completed: 2017
Preview version: 2016

Five (2016)

Five (2016)

Five (2016)

Five (2016)

"Unter der Leitung von Max Hattler schufen 36 Studierende der School of Creative Media als Kooperative 'Team Five' gefühlvolle, anregende und gewagte Animationen zu Gustav Mahlers Symphonie Nr. 5." Harald Kraemer, curator, The Age of Experience, 2016

"視覺音樂項目方面,有香港城市大學創意 媒體學院客席助理教授 Max Hattler 及 36 位學生 創作的視覺音樂項目《五》,結合古典音樂與 抽象動畫,探索在聽音樂的觀眾在受影響的情 況下所作出的反應。" Wen Wei Po, 19 Jun 2016

"逛街时,也可观赏及参与艺术啊!商场里的各层均有为数不少的「艺窗」,这些艺窗,在展览期间,均会装上名为《五》的视觉音乐装置!这些装置结合了古典音乐和抽象动画,由国际知名抽象动画艺术家Max Hattler和其学生,以颜色和形状的移动,视象化地呈现「马勒第5号交响曲」,把古典音乐世界重现眼前!留意啊,每个艺窗都只节录了交响曲的一小部份,要「看毕」整首乐曲的话,便要多跑几个艺窗了!" VRZY, 24 May 2016

"在香港城市大学创意媒体学院担任客席助理教授的媒体艺术家Max Hattler,与他的三十六位学生一同创作动画《五/Five》,灵感来源于马勒第五交响曲,作品把古典音乐与抽象动画融合。五件作品都配置了耳机,观众可在繁忙生活中戴上耳机感受音乐带来的放松,同时欣赏屏幕中配合音乐节奏创作的动画作品,以另一角度感受熟悉的世界名曲。" Ta Kung Pao, 21 May 2016

"How does the accompaniment of classical music with abstract animation affect our response to the music? How do moving images enhance or interfere with our interpretations of music? Does the combination of images and music create new meanings? Five is a collaborative visual music project created with 36 students under Max Hattler's direction at the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. The result is an abstract animation visualisation of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 (1904). Through the movements and rhythms of colours and shapes, Mahler’s musical world is brought to life on screen." K11

"由城市大學創意媒體學院客席助理教授Max Hattler及三十六位學生所創作的項目《五》,結合了古典音樂與抽象動畫,探索觀眾的即時反應。" Ming Pao Weekly, 16 May 2016

"於K11各層的12個藝窗將展出由國際知名抽象動畫藝術家暨香港城市大學創意媒體學院客席助理教授Max Hattler策劃及36位學生所創作的一個視覺音樂動畫項目《五》(2016),它結合了古斯塔夫•馬勒的《第五號交響曲》與抽象動畫,探索聽音樂的觀眾在受影響的情況下時作出的反應。" Pixelbread, 23 May 2016

"尋視覺音樂創作。除咗體驗活動,K11唔同層嘅「藝窗」會展出視覺音樂項目《五》,由國際知名抽象動畫藝術家兼城大創意媒體學院客席助理教授Max Hattler同36位學生一齊創作,探索聽音樂嘅觀眾受影響時作出的反應。聽Max Hattler講先知,動畫靈感來自馬勒第5號交響曲,通過顏色和形狀的移動,活現馬勒的音樂世界。" 晴報 Sky Post, 27 May 2016

"视觉音乐项目方面,有K11各层艺窗展出视觉音乐项目《五》,由国际知名抽象动画艺术家暨香港城市大学创意媒体学院客席助理教授Max Hattler及36位学生所创作,结合了古典音乐与抽象动画,探索在听音乐的观众在受影响的情况下时作出的反应。这些抽象的动画,灵感来自马勒的第5号交响曲,通过颜色和形状的移动,活现马勒的音乐世界。" Travel18, May 2016

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